“Obviously everybody’s path is different. Some people always had it, they made it to where they are and they’re successful. Some people had to go through things and grind through things to get there. I’m kind of really thankful for my journey. I think my journey is what made me the underdog.”-Bobby Portis

Being the underdog...
has always been the main motivation in life for Bobby. Raised in the Little Rock, Arkansas with his mother and three brothers, he is a success story of how perseverance and hard work pays off. He is and will always be committed to being the #UNDERDOG
McDonald's All-American - 2013
Arkansas Mr. Basketball Award - 2013
SEC All-Freshman Team - 2014
SEC Player of the Year -2015
1st round pick by the Chicago Bulls in the 2015 NBA draft.
Played for the Chicago Bulls - 2015-2019
Played for the Washington Wizards - 2019
Founded the Bobby Portis Foundation - 2019
Played for the New York Knicks - 2020
Signed with the Milwaukee Bucks - 2020
NBA Champion - 2021

The mission of the Bobby Portis Foundation's is to create programs and initiatives that aid single mothers throughout the Arkansas community. Growing up in a single mother household, Bobby saw first hand how difficult it can be to make ends meet. The goal of the foundation is to serve, support and empower single mother families.